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Graphic Design

Metropolis Comics Branding

The Metropolis Comics logo takes advantage of pop comic book art from the 1950s - 1970s. The logo is made up buildings in perspective to form an "M" shape. The lines underneath represent the pages of a comic book. The idea is that comics transcend the flat pages they are on. Furthermore, the stationery uses aspects of comic book pages such as dialogue boxes, narrative boxes, and a pop background. The close-up image of the business card shows off the old paper texture of each piece.

NCHV for Homeless Veterans

Homelessness is a big issue in the U.S. and even some of our veterans struggle with not having the financial resources to live normal lives after war time. For this piece, I got a dirty cup, filled it with coins and dirt, photographed it and then it was edited to create a reflection on a homeless veteran's day-to-day.

Tide for the NBA Playoffs

So, we sports fans know how intense the final stretch of a game can be. Mishaps can happen, especially when you are in the heat of the moment, trying to drink your soda, and your favorite misses a shot. Tide can help clean up that mess. 

The Crow Special Edition

The Crow Special Edition includes a Blu-Ray copy of the movie and the original Graphic Novel. The main package, the book cover, and the Blu-ray all use significant iconography (broken glass, a rose, makeup) from the movie that follows the jagged look of the logo and follows a blue/blue-violet color scheme to match the somber tone of the movie. The logo in white pops in the center of each piece.

WWE Annual Report

The annual report is titled "There's More To It". With more and more viewers being introduced to the WWE, there are more areas to be explored for the company. Therefore, newcomers are peeling back the curtain and learning more about the colorful world of World Wrestling Entertainment. The lights on the cover carry over to every spread. The spreads shown go into detail on how WWE is a profitable company that has an impact on multiple platforms to the point where it can be considered mainstream. WWE is a fast-paced, diverse, and professional company. Therefore, the spreads contain dynamic lines crossing either the top or bottom of the pages and a key color.

© 2019 by Jaan Singh.

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